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The Winter with No Snow...
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Global warming? Good Luck? Are we waiting for the other shoe to drop?

We're all the way through December here in Michigan without a single day of measureable snow fall. I'm not certain, but it has to be one of the only times in history this has happened.

Now we have the extended 10 day forecast through the 12th of January and ther e is no snow in the forecast. That put us a significant portion of the way through our winter with no accumulated snowfall on the ground. That has got to be unprecedented.

Running outside is no problem and we rode 27 miles outside yesterday to downtown Detroit. Other than a hefty headwind on the return trip it was quite pleasant.

Weather forecast in Michigan during the winter are traditionally volatile and unreliable, but this has got to be a first. We've had a lot of rain the past few weeks- had it been any colder this place would look like this news photo from Kansas:

Is anyone else out there in a "snow drought"? What's the reason? Is this really the spin off of Global Warming? Are we safe to assume this is the winter with no snow or are we just going to get nialed in February?

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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On the West Coast (Victoria) we've been getting some strange weather since November. Only one snowfall (which is one more than normal in town) but TONS of high wind and TONS of rain. I think we're going to see more strange weather patterns in the coming years, should be interesting.
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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We had SOME snow in the middle of Canada but not like our normal, UNTIL the other shoe dropped on New years eve with 30cm of the white stuff. On the good side though, we will have 2 days this week above zero degrees celsius now that is FREAKY for where i am in January. So again i am waiting for the other shoe to drop.

But damn, keep those emissions coming it feels like spring already go global warming go!,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh my i am going to hell.

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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [thunderlegs] [ In reply to ]
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I wonder if that is a result of warmer air. That could account for the high winds. We've seen the higher winds here too.

If the amount of rain precipitation we got here was converted to snow we'd be in real trouble.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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In New Mexico we had record breaking snowfall this week. We also had record monsoons during the summer. Crazy weather here.
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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In the south of Norway - still no snow, temperature at + 5 to 10 degr. C and warmest recorded december ever i think.

Another IM in 2016 - hopefully..
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Please, take some of ours!!!!
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Mercury might hit 60deg this Fri/Sat in the NE!

"I really wish you would post more often. You always have some good stuff to say. I copied it below just in case someone missed it." BarryP to Chainpin on 10/21/06

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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Hello from Colorado. Wild weather here too - The Christmas Storm dumped 4 feet at my house. Just when my back was starting to feel better... We got the New Year storm with another 3 feet. The problem is that the 'push spots' for the snow are already full. The only alternative was to fling it up and over. The piles in my driveway are 6 feet high!!

The really wild thing is that the two storms were 'Upslope'. That means the low pressure zone goes south of the state and with the counter-clockwise rotation pumps gulf of mexico moisture around and slams it into the mountains. These storms did not have enough force to get the moisture over the Divide and as a result, Summit County, where the ski areas are, got little to no snow. It just amazes me.

I am also hearing that Houghton Michigan, in the UP, is so dry that they are having to truck snow in from othere areas for the Cross Country (skiing) Nationals. I went to school up there, and can remember 500 inches of snow falling in a season. I remember one year it snowed 50 days straight!

Just wild

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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Check out the movie "an inconvenient truth" . We haven't had much snow here in central VT either. Just got a few inches the other day but than that no snow. I did a road ride on Dec 18th!!!! ----never ever been able to do that.

Anyone hear about the 41 square mile piece of glacier that broke into the ocean recently? I think we're going to start seeing more and more really weird weather.

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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [etocaj] [ In reply to ]
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Yuo - predicted highs all week > 50F - the first week in January. Totally bizarre. The bright side, of course, is that those of us who run in the dark (before the sun rises) have been doing a lot less slipping and sliding on invisible ice patches!
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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This is what I was referring to. I'm really surprised this didn't get more press. This is the kind of thing that has huge repurcussions around flooding coastlines.

Ice mass snaps free from Canada's arctic (a big 'un too,, 11,000 football fields in size)
AP on Yahoo ^ | 12/28/06 | Rob Gillies - ap

Posted on 12/28/2006 6:59:26 PM PST by NormsRevenge

TORONTO - A giant ice shelf the size of 11,000 football fields has snapped free from Canada's Arctic, scientists said. The mass of ice broke clear 16 months ago from the coast of Ellesmere Island, about 497 miles south of the North Pole, but no one was present to see it in Canada's remote north. Scientists using satellite images later noticed that it became a newly formed ice island in just an hour and left a trail of icy boulders floating in its wake.
Warwick Vincent of Laval University, who studies Arctic conditions, traveled to the newly formed ice island and could not believe what he saw.
"This is a dramatic and disturbing event. It shows that we are loosing remarkable features of the Canadian North that have been in place for many thousands of years. We are crossing climate thresholds, and these may signal the onset of accelerated change ahead," Vincent said Thursday.
In 10 years of working in the region he has never seen such a dramatic loss of sea ice, he said.
The collapse was so powerful that earthquake monitors 155 miles away picked up tremors from it.
The Ayles Ice Shelf, roughly 41 square miles in area, was one of six major ice shelves remaining in Canada's Arctic.
Scientists say it is the largest event of its kind in Canada in 30 years and point their fingers at climate change as a major contributing factor.
"It is consistent with climate change," Vincent said, adding that the remaining ice shelves are 90 percent smaller than when they were first discovered in 1906.
"We aren't able to connect all of the dots ... but unusually warm temperatures definitely played a major role."
Laurie Weir, who monitors ice conditions for the Canadian Ice Service, was poring over satellite images in 2005 when she noticed that the shelf had split and separated.
Weir notified Luke Copland, head of the new global ice lab at the University of Ottawa, who initiated an effort to find out what happened.
Using U.S. and Canadian satellite images, as well as data from seismic monitors, Copland discovered that the ice shelf collapsed in the early afternoon of Aug. 13, 2005.
"What surprised us was how quickly it happened," Copland said. "It's pretty alarming. Even 10 years ago scientists assumed that when global warming changes occur that it would happen gradually so that perhaps we expected these ice shelves just to melt away quite slowly, but the big surprise is that for one they are going, but secondly that when they do go, they just go suddenly, it's all at once, in a span of an hour."
Within days, the floating ice shelf had drifted a few miles offshore. It traveled west for 31 miles until it finally froze into the sea ice in the early winter.
The Canadian ice shelves are packed with ancient ice that dates back over 3000 years. They float on the sea but are connected to land.
Derek Mueller, a polar researcher with Vincent's team, said the ice shelves get weaker and weaker as the temperature rises. He visited Ellesmere's Ward Hunt Ice Shelf in 2002 and noticed it had cracked in half.
"We're losing our ice shelves and this a feature of the landscape that is in danger of disappearing altogether from Canada," Mueller said. "In the global perspective Antarctica has many ice shelves bigger than this one, but then there is the idea that these are indicators of climate change."
The spring thaw may bring another concern as the warming temperatures could release the ice shelf from its Arctic grip. Prevailing winds could then send the ice island southwards, deep into the Beaufort Sea.
"Over the next few years this ice island could drift into populated shipping routes," Weir said. "There's significant oil and gas development in this region as well, so we'll have to keep monitoring its location over the next few years."

TOPICS: Canada; Culture/Society; News/Current Events

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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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"If the amount of rain precipitation we got here was converted to snow we'd be in real trouble. "

Forget snow, I wonder if any of the lakes around here are going to freeze over. It's supposed to be in the mid-40s all week. So much for ice fishing.

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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It was the first year that my four year old did not have snow at Christmas.

I think that the last time you posted something about how unseasonably warm the weather was here in Michigan, we immediately got hammered with cold temps and a lot of snow. Hope there is no cause and effect, but the weather's always about to change in Michigan. Last year, we got lots of snow through Christmas and then hardly any afterwards.
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [CTL] [ In reply to ]
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I hope I don't jinx us...

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Personally, if it NEVER snows in Baja NY ever again, that would be perfectly all right with me. The people down here who drive like idiots to begin with - even on warm clear dry days - are significantly more idiotic if just half an inch of acid slush precipitates overnight.

Granted snowball fights and snowmen are good fun for the young and young of heart; and I haven't played "pond hockey" since moving here from CT in the 70's; but, truth be told, South Jerseyans just can't handle it.

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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I believe this post squarely qualifies as taunting the Gods……

Born again Heathen
In Case of Keith Moon - Break This Glass
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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I'm right up the road from you a few miles and I went out for a 20 miler on Christmas eve day and on New Years eve day. Friggin unbelievable...... I saw a lot of fellow cyclist out on Dec 31 and what's even more unbelievable, all the roadies waved back!!!!
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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In NM we got record snow. For the desert we had 22 inches in my yard. At the airport it had 16 inches which is the record for us.

You can have your snow back. I like the year-round training.
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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my atmospheric and oceanic sciences professor said that for at least the wisconsin area it was going to be abnormally warm this winter. of course none of us believed him because it was below zero with a huge windchill for the whole week before (and it was only october). we all started believing him when during decemeber you could ride you bike with shorts and t-shirt. our teacher was real optimistic about global warming to, showing us the preview of Day After Tomorrow at the end of our last class. then followed that up by saying it was possible in our lifetime.

>if you can't win, make the guy ahead of you break the record
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Spindogg] [ In reply to ]
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"Check out the movie "an inconvenient truth" . "

I watched this movie one night just a week or so ago. The next day, that huge ice shelf broke off in the North Atlantic. That messed with my head. I could have used with a bit less self glorification by Mr. Gore, but he did make his case pretty convincingly. Things that really stood out for me:

The earth's population has nearly tripled just since Al Gore was born?!!!

Those projections of where CO2 levels and temps are headed at the present rate of increase. I'm on the western border of South Carolina and I'm thinking my property may be beachfront before too long.

The drought patterns in equatorial Africa. That was some really scary stuff. Huge natural lakes that supported life for thousands of surrounding square miles have completely dried up.

The business with the emission standards for cars around the world. No wonder the US car manufacturers are losing market share. We hope to have cars 20 years from now that meet the efficiency standards the rest of the world have in place today, or will have in place in another couple of years. The muscle heads need to stop building muscle cars!

Rush Limbaugh will say this is all the result of natural cycles. I think Mr. Gore made a very clear case that it's NOT! I wonder if anyone has an intelligent opposing argument to "Inconvenient Truth"?

Bob C.

The "science" on any matter can never be settled until every possible variable is taken into account.
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [cooterbob] [ In reply to ]
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Which of course would only be a problem if there were any.....


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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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there was a documentary on either Discovery channel or History channel describing the 10 worst scnenarios or causes of massive global problems. Humans were the number one problems causing high levels of c02, ice melting from the polar ice caps faster than ever before. Talked about spring coming earlier than it ever has before..2006 went on record with the highest temp. recorded that early in the year..`interesting stuff...and I too wish the cars would be build smaller, more fuel efficient or electric and more bicycles etc..this is getting crazy and I'm convinced there is global warming..Chicago, its still wamr. We had one cold spell some heavy weight snow early December but thats it. Warm enough to ride outside on the bike too for a lot of miles and stay warm and pretty comfortable. ...very unusual as far as I'm concerned.


Trying to find ways to pass the time.
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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You can thank me for the lack of snow.

I got a great set of Kenda studded tires for my cross bike. As a result, no snow/ice.

Paul "Speedy" Gonsalves

Canadian distributor for HED Cycling, Blue Competition, Akona Biospeed & Aerus Composites

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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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oh so you're the cause of no snow....well now I know..I'm going to tell Al Gore its your fault


Trying to find ways to pass the time.
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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We just had our 1st decent snow of the season Saturday in northeastern ND. Got the skis out for the first time yesterday! It rained a little to the east in MN, although parts of MN finally got some snow around new year's. We had a little cold weather in Nov. but it barely got below freezing for most of Dec. 10-20 F above "normal". Long-range forecast is still for above normal. We were in a drought for most of the summer and fall, and it looks like we still are, and a warm one at that! Our sled dogs definitely are getting frustrated (and hot) - that ATV is HEAVY!
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Same deal here in Duluth, MN Tom. Very little snow.....and we had just the first Christmas in recorded history (since about 1875 or so) with no snow on the ground on Christmas Day. Bummer.
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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No snow in Mass either.
Friday it snowed just a touch, as I was finishing a 2.5 hr ride. Gone by sat morning then...
I rode 3 hrs outside today (raam prep) in leg warmers, toe covers and long sleeve jersey! Wild out here, but not complaining.
All the best,

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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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I live in Chicago and I'm still wearing a fleece jacket around the city. The forecast through the week is high 40's to mid 50's. I don't know whether to be happy or fearful of February!
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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30+ miles east of Seattle we've had snow on the ground since the day after Christmas. Snoqualmie Pass (20 miles to the east of me) has a 90 inch snow base, as does Stevens Pass to the north. No shortage here...
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Spindogg] [ In reply to ]
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The ice shelf was floating to begin with, so it will have no effect on sea level if it melts.
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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The weather here (Irvine, CA) is perfect, as always. And remember, Winter is technically only a a fortnight old Tom.

I've raced in Michigan in the snow on May 16th.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [SuperDave] [ In reply to ]
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Weird here in Southern Ontario too, Tom.

I work 20 min. north of my home. One day, we got 5 in. of snow at work. I called my wife and told her I could be a little late, the roads were bad. She emailed me a pic from home. It was sunny and dry. (That's 20 min south of were I work!) I left work and the kids were building snowmen. I got home and the grass was green and the skies were sunny. Very odd. Other than that, not one bit of snow here. Still nice biking weather.


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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Although I'm experiencing warm weather here in Boston as well (have only seen flurries once so far), I *think* this type of weather was somewhat predicted for the 2006-2007 winter. Scientists have been noticing some El Nino effects in the Pacific since September which generally leads to a much warmer northern US and Canada. Although I firmly believe in global warming, I wouldn't take the recent freakish weather to mean an apocalypse is coming...these El Nino events are very regular and fairly predictable, and each one seems to lead to very mild winters like we're experiencing now.

Here's a link to where I got some of my info... http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2006/s2699.htm
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Maine has gotten very little snow.
I'm not whining :D
I don't know why. global warming?

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Tomorrow & Thursday 45F & sunny here in VT in January. Sounds like a January thaw, but there is nothing to thaw. Great for lunch time rides, though I'd prefer some snow.


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Re: The Winter with No Snow... [Bell Head] [ In reply to ]
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Jersey has become almost scary. No snow yet.... just mild weather in the mid 40-55ish range.... it's strange.

Does anyone remember last years cyclocross nationals?

"Pace is just a matter of having enough RedBull..." -Rappstar
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