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Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g
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Since it's a slow day, thought I'd get some opinions on a new TT setup from Easton. The website lists it at 350g which is crazy light. I'm not sure if this is just the base bar or includes the extensions but it looks like a one piece set up.

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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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That weight includes everything, and I hear is pretty accurate...however, they are really quite small and probably are not going to work for very many people IMO.

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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [chicanery] [ In reply to ]
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they come in 3 sizes, small, med, and large

The Dude abides.
Last edited by: The Dude: Dec 6, 06 12:39
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [chicanery] [ In reply to ]
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I'm sure I'm going to receive a lot of flack for this but what does IMO mean. I keep seeing it in post and it's making feel very old that I don't know. :l
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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Slow day? What about the vegetarian vs carnivore excitement?

IMO = I'm morbidly obese
Last edited by: Picasso_Bull: Dec 6, 06 12:42
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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in my opinion. it took me forever to figure that out too. Also, IMHO = in my humble opinion, so apparently IMO is stronger than IMHO

The Dude abides.
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I'm sure I'm going to receive a lot of flack for this but what does IMO mean. I keep seeing it in post and it's making feel very old that I don't know. :l

Better yet, what the F does ":|" mean?
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Picasso_Bull] [ In reply to ]
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"Slow day? What about the vegetarian vs canivore excitement?"

I used to think you were never supposed to discuss religion and politics...I guess the vegan vs meateater is kind of a religous topic to some. I was also interested in the Aegis thread. Thought we were going to make Rappster sqare off with the sales guy from Aegis for a leg wrestling contest. I love winter.
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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Anywho, about the bars, IMHO, they're fantantic. i held a prototype and it was crazy light, crazy stiff, so you probably won't fear breaking it. Extensions are not replaceable, but I like the shallow bend (as a compromise between the S curve and the big bend. I don't remember cable routing details, but in past models, the brake cable comes out under the wing near, but not too near the stem. Looks like the shift cable routing is good too. I also like the fact that the pads are not 3" thick

The Dude abides.
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [The Dude] [ In reply to ]
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in my opinion. it took me forever to figure that out too. Also, IMHO = in my humble opinion, so apparently IMO is stronger than IMHO
k dude, here's one for you -- NTTAWWT?
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Picasso_Bull] [ In reply to ]
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The Dude abides.
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I'm sure I'm going to receive a lot of flack for this but what does IMO mean. I keep seeing it in post and it's making feel very old that I don't know. :l

Best way to learn the language is to pick up some teenage kids. Here is a cheaper alternative:

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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [The Dude] [ In reply to ]
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1. NTTAWWT 26 up, 4 down
Not That There's Anything Wrong With That. (Origin: Seinfeld?)
Person A: What do you mean "Greg" ?? Who the hell is Greg?.

Person B: Greg! you know the gay guy down the hall... (pause) ..uh.. Not That There's Anything Wrong With That. by Greg Nov 19, 2003 email it permalink: del.icio.us Send to a friend your email: their email: send me the word of the day (it's free)
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [The Dude] [ In reply to ]
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1. wtf 1160 up, 157 down
Generally stands for 'What the fuck'. Most people use a question mark afterwards to get the point through. Rather than using the same term for the other 'w's, who, when, where, and why, it makes more sense to actually state the word and follow it with 'tf'

Capitalization doesn't really matter.
This term can also be likened to 'What the shit?' which is more comical and has a tantamount meaning.

WTS? by chalupamonk Mar 3, 2003 email it permalink: del.icio.us Send to a friend your email: their email: send me the word of the day (it's free) wtf images WTF 1 of 10 2. wtf 323 up, 91 down
The universal interrogative particle.

The abbreviation of, most commonly, 'what the fuck', though sometimes also 'who/why/when/where the fuck'. When used with an exclamation point instead of a question mark, it becomes an exclamation of amazement, confusion, disbelief, ect.

Both forms are often accentuated with 'mate' or preceded by 'dude'.
Dude, WTF are you on? by Lapideus Feb 7, 2005 email it 3. WTF 345 up, 135 down
1. What the fuck.
2. World Tae Kwon Do Federation
Guy #1: Dude! I'm going to the WTF world tournament!
Guy #2: Uhh... what do you do in a "What the Fuck" tournament? by george Apr 20, 2005 email it 4. WTF 96 up, 19 down
The World Taekwondo Federation.
WTF, holds many competitions throughout the world.
WTF, as far as i know, remain blissfully unaware of the other meaning of WTF. Or maybe they just don't feel like changing. tags a b c d f g h i j k wtf fart choss piss ass ho by t3h n00bz 7a!k l!k3 t3his shittown, usa Jul 26, 2006 email it 5. wtf 158 up, 95 down
An overly used internet acroynm said to mean 'what the fuck'. Fun to say around old people.
person: dude, wtf is that? by Zi Oct 3, 2004 email it 6. wtf 178 up, 119 down
What one would say if some dude wearing tight pink clothes and roller skates was sitting on a bench on 42nd street in the middle of New York.
wtf is wrong with you!?! by JoKeR Dec 27, 2003 email it 7. wtf 92 up, 69 down
WTF usually refers to 'what the fuck'. It can be used as a question, an exclamation, and many other uses.

It is commonly used in internet chatrooms where swearing is censored.

The 'W' can be used as what, where, who or when, following by the 'TF' which is always 'the fuck'

WTF is usually used with dude or mate
Example 1: WTF just happened here?
Example 2: Dude, WTF!
Example 3: WTF did that?

Example 3 uses 'who' instead of 'what'
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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We put a pair on our scale and came up with 384 grams not including the foam pads. That isn't the 350 people have mentioned, but it is pretty light.

The elbow pads may not adjust wide enough for some people's taste- at their widest they are pretty narrow still. I can't imagine many people ever wanting the narrowest setting.

The angle of the extension will slake the cosemetic desire for an "S" bend look bar but still have the comfort of an upturned, more functional and comfortable aerobar extension design. I think it is a realistic compromise.

I haven't ridden these but am going to give them a try.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Picasso_Bull] [ In reply to ]
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Urbandictionary.com is insane! Just for kicks check out "grundle" and "duck butter".
A buddy of mine showed me this site and its, shall we say.....hip?

Have fun!

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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [triguyjimbo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Urbandictionary.com is insane! Just for kicks check out "grundle" and "duck butter".
A buddy of mine showed me this site and its, shall we say.....hip?

Have fun!

K, that is just wrong!
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Have you tried these? How do you like them?
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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These are the same bars featured in Triathlete mag this month on the $14,000 bike. They also list 350g in weight in the article. They sure look awesome.
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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I have a pair on my Guru Crono. I rode them at IMH. Like Tom said, they're very narrow (38cm) and will likely accommodate a pretty small subset of the tri population. For example, I doubt anyone heavier than 150lbs will be able to use these bars (making some obvious assumptions). The pads are ridiculously thin. I have no idea what they were thinking when they made those pads. I took someone else's recommendation (from a post on ST) and purchased a set of the VisionTech Micro Thin SL pads and will cut them to fit. Apparently they're about 2x thicker than the pads that come with the Attacks. Otherwise, they seem to work very well for me so far but I honestly haven't spent much time on my race bike since IMH and I purchased them about 3 weeks prior to the race.

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [lakerfan] [ In reply to ]
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why would anyone care what width the drops are? they should be riding in aero the whole time. Any why wouldn't someone over 150 be able to ride the bars?
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [jamdavswim] [ In reply to ]
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Because the width of the bar typically determines how wide the pads will adjust. All I can tell you is that they are more narrow (at the widest adjustment) than any other bar I've ever tried or have ridden. If you don't want to believe me then I suggest you try them yourself. The obvious assumption I was making when I said someone >150lbs probably won't be able to ride these bars is that a body frame (ie shoulder width) of someone greater than 150lbs is typically wide enough to where the width of these pads will be so narrow that you will experience strain and/or fatigue in your shoulders and neck due to the fact that your skeletal system will not be able to support your upper body.

Does that help?

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [lakerfan] [ In reply to ]
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Do you have the Large set?.........how wide can you adjust the pads?.......they sure look nice.

I shall never misuse Rex Kwon Do
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [jamdavswim] [ In reply to ]
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yeah, what lakerfan/chris said. checked them out at interbike and tried out the "medium" and "large" then asked the Easton rep is they were possibly mislabled as they were so damn tiny. He tried them out (they were like brand spankin new to him too) and was also dismayed how small they were and how short the extensions were. Anyways, size up for sure and if you like a wider bar or are big guy look elsewhere. I'm thinking a super nice UCI legal TT bar, or a nice tri bar for smaller riders and smaller women. I just remember trying out the medium and with my elbows just sitting right behind the pads my hands were like an inch and a half or more out in front of the ends of the extensions and I'm only 5'10" and don't have (unfortunately as I bet I'd be a lot faster in the water;) disproportionately long arms or anything.
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Hein] [ In reply to ]
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The answer to your question for Tom was stated as "I haven't ridden these but am going to give them a try."

Here to help ;-)

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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I thought he might have as three months have passed since he said that.
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Bladed] [ In reply to ]
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Ive got a set of Large Attacks. While "I" would not call them large, they fit me really well. I am 5'10" 160lbs, and have freakishly long arms.

The extensions on are 275mm long from the center of the bar, and the pads (at their center point) adjust from 135mm to 205mm. They also have a "D" shape for the piece that secures the arm rests, so you can twist the arm pads in line with your arms. You can remove the spacer under the arm pad so the plate sits flat on the bar

I am coming off Vision tech base bar with Carbon R-bends, with the spacers removed under the pads. The eastons give me the exact same width, but 10mm lower, and come in at 390g. Oh, and my wrists dont hurt any more because of the single bend vs r bend

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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [afeltz] [ In reply to ]
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Can you post some pictures of your set up especially the Easton Attack TT bars. I am 5'10" tall but my arms are a bit short for my size. I would love to get a pair of these but can not find any locally.

I think these (if they fit) would finish off my bike build wonderfully. I like the design and my current set up is very similar to these already. I am using the delta force base bar, hed clip lites and Oval single bend extensions.

I should measure up my set up and see where my pads are in comparison to what you have mentioned.

I wonder if I could put my carbon Hed armrests on these bars? might make a larger more comfortable armrest.
Last edited by: Bman: Mar 14, 07 7:57
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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I just got fitted for a new Carbon Razor saturday that will be sporting these bars. Can't wait to get it.
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [afeltz] [ In reply to ]
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How are the stock pads.......are they comfortable?.....I ahve heard that they are on the thin side?

I shall never misuse Rex Kwon Do
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Bladed] [ In reply to ]
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They are fine for me so far, 5mm thick and 60x90mm in size.

I am racing the Lonestar HIM at the end of the month, and may try the 10mm oval pads on there. We'll see

I'll try to snap some photos tonight

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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Bladed] [ In reply to ]
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cee-gees is making aftermarket pads for the new Easton bar. I actually gave him my pads to make the template. They are thicker and way more dense than the stock easton pad.
I am not affiliated with cee-gees in any way- just a satified customer.
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [bootsie_cat] [ In reply to ]
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Cee Gees is a great product.....

I shall never misuse Rex Kwon Do
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [afeltz] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure when you got your bars but my pads are definitely NOT 5mm thick. I got my bars very early (later Sept or early Oct) so maybe they've gone with thicker pads. My pads are ridiculously thin and consider them mostly useless for anything over Oly distance. I also came off of the VTs with carbon r-bends. I got the mediums because they didn't have the larges out yet. The mediums just barely fit me and I'm 5'10" about 145lbs at race weight.

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [lakerfan] [ In reply to ]
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Whats the difference in sizes then if they're all 38cm on the basebar? Is the large wider at the hands/elbows? Is the large just longer? Or are the base bars different widths and I'm reading everything wrong?
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Runless] [ In reply to ]
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I think the only difference between S M and L is in the length.

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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Runless] [ In reply to ]
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As More is More said, all 3 bars are 38cm wide so the difference is the length only. I think it would have been nice have some additional width adjustability in the pads as the size increased. I'm assuming there's no difference in pad width because I couldn't tell between the smalls and the mediums when I tried them back in Oct. The length of the smalls seemed ridiculous to me -- it reminded of the mini-clip ons. They are many limitations in the bar, imho, but if they happen to fit you then they're pretty damn good. The mediums fit me but, like I said, they're just on the edge for me. Personally, I wouldn't buy them over the Internet. You need to get a good close look at them.

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [motriguy] [ In reply to ]
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A couple of more notes:

1. Shifter cables route out the back of the bars so, depending on the bike, you might have a real tight bend which is much more ideally suited for nokon (sp?) cables than the regular ones. I had this problem on my Guru Crono.

2. Like I said before, I think the pads suck so I went out and purchased a set of the VT Micro Thin SLs. I cut them and just put them on the bike tonight and they are definitely the ticket!! Much much better than the pads that come with the bars. I also removed the spacer as that provided a more ideal fit for me.

Hope that helps!!

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [lakerfan] [ In reply to ]
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I am going to check them out at ALL3 Sports......I need a little pad width for comfort......

I shall never misuse Rex Kwon Do
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [lakerfan] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the notes, I want a 38cm wide bullhorn, and preferably longish extensions for my body(5'8"-5'9"). My LBS will be carrying these so if I buy a pair I'll get to try them out beforehand.
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [Bladed] [ In reply to ]
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Let us know what you think. The biggest problem with the pads might not actually be the thickness but the lack of density in the pad. Not sure if the heat had anything to do with it but at IMH my arms felt like they were almost resting on metal after 80 miles.

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Easton Attack TT Bar at 350g [lakerfan] [ In reply to ]
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That sucks......i have seen people use Vision pads in place of the stock ones...

I shall never misuse Rex Kwon Do
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
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