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Re: "Your 'No Days Off' Mentality is Dumb, Pointless, and Holding You Back" [Changpao]
I actually agree with a lot of what the article is saying. Though I don’t agree that everyone should be taking 1 day off a week or even that’s what the article is suggesting.

This seems targeted for those folks who are obsessed with exercise and don’t have balance. They take pride in never or seldomly taking a day off. They don’t know what to do with themselves if they do take a day off as a lot of their self worth is tied to exercise/training. They cringe at the fact their training peaks CTL is dropping after a day off or even during taper leading into an A race. They think CTL is a measure of fitness. They tout their year end Strava training numbers on social media of 360+ days of activities. They train through sickness and injuries because they can’t fathom taking a day off.

I think some can find short term success if they happen to exhibit the above behaviors but over the long haul, it catches up to them. It’s really an unhealthy relationship with exercise/training IMO.

Last edited by: stevej: Apr 24, 24 17:19

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  • Post edited by stevej (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 24, 24 17:19