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Re: Coronary Calcium Score (update) [dtoce]
A 630 CCS wasn't what I was hoping for but now that I've seen it, what are my best next steps?

I'm a 70 year old long time endurance exerciser who bikes regularly in the warmer months and cross country skis as well as Concept II ergs throughout the winter. I've turned to marathon canoe racing for the past 5 years. My diet has been near vegan for the past 5 years and annual lipids testing has usually put my total cholesterol at ~160, LDL in the low 80s although the calculated value was 106 on my most recent test and HDL ~ 52. My Apo-B was 66mg/dl last year. My blood pressure is typically ~ 116/78 with no medication needed. I've experienced some disturbing increasingly noticeable paresthesia symptoms especially from the knees down over the past few years. I've never been prescribed a statin but from what you've mentioned previously assume a low dose of rosuvastatin would be appropriate as a starting point.

I don't presently have a cardiologist and perhaps finding one is one of the most appropriate first steps.

Ought I press for an exercise stress test? CT angiogram? Any other thoughts going forwards?

Thanks so much for your generous participation on this thread.


Genetics load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.
Last edited by: sciguy: Dec 29, 23 7:47

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  • Post edited by sciguy (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 29, 23 7:47