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Re: Sudden weight gain & performance decline [icabob]
icabob wrote:
Primary care doc is actually still in school so kept needing to consult with the attending doctor. Even though I live in a big US city, I've had trouble finding a primary care doctor who specializes in athletes. My searches seem to come up with orthopedic doctors for athletes or something similar.

Literally ANYONE is a better choice than a med student / intern. I don't care if they are backed by an attending. Let someone else be their Guinea pig.

I don't know your insurance status, your financial status, or where you live. Every "big city" has internal medicine doctors. So, if you have the means to select and afford a decent doctor... Then find an Internal Medicine doctor with 20-30 years of experience (ie, age 50-55). Don't worry so much about the sports part, it isn't as critical as people like to think. Just find an internist. Look your options up on health grades, read some reviews and pick one. Go see them, tell them what's going on, and see what they say. Every decent internist should be aware of metabolic syndromes, over-training syndrome, and their cousins. You just need a doctor with a brain.

As questions. .. Ask "why" A LOT. Ask until until you understand. If they won't bother, if they get annoyed, pick a different one, and repeat. You aren't looking for someone to tell you what you WANT to hear (the truth sucks sometimes) ... You are looking for someone who cares and who will take the time to answer yiur questions to a depth that you are comfortable with.

Eta: there are a number of experienced physicians on this forum spread around the world. If you tell us where you live someone here might be able to give you a reference near you.
Last edited by: Tom_hampton: Dec 3, 23 18:19

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  • Post edited by Tom_hampton (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 3, 23 18:19