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Re: Strava subscription? [trail]
trail wrote:
Route building is the only thing that's ever tempted me to Strava subscription. Garmin Connect does have a route builder. It's not perfect, but good enough (like most of Garmin Connect). Though not even Strava was perfect for me...I tried a trial subscription, but canceled it after trying one route. Forget the details.....it was a long time ago so maybe Strava is better now.

- Garmin's route builder is pretty inaccurate; the elevation estimates vary significantly from Strava's and the totals from riding the route. Strava's elevation estimates come in very close to actuals from my Garmin.
-The Garmin route builder also has less intuitive routing from my experience but that's much more subjective.
- Only good thing about Garmin's courses is the Power Guide feature and mostly seamless integration with Strava Routes.
- IME, Strava Routes is also useable on mobile, which is a plus.
- Strava/Garmin's intermittent inclusion of segments and 0 course points on my Garmin are kinda annoying though.

Overall, after the price increases to a pretty indefensible price point, I actively ideate about canceling my Strava membersip. Comparing my performance to prior results does provide some motivation though so, along with the routing features, I guess I'm keeping it.
Last edited by: aravilare: Nov 30, 23 10:19

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  • Post edited by aravilare (Lightning Ridge) on Nov 30, 23 10:19