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Re: Is there any specific proof of ice bath sauna repeat? [roserc]
roserc wrote:
The initial question asked if there is value in it (heat and cold exposure). I agree with you on the impacts on recovery and performance, but that was not what was asked.
Again, I am not commenting on the impact of cold or heat exposure to training, recovery, or anything related to endurance sports. I was just giving one answer [to] the question "Is there value in it?"
Sorry: what was your 'answer'? Thought you just offered a video with 'lots of info here'.
Edit: Think you should note in your post when you edit in meaning (as opposed to typos).
roserc wrote:
I was just providing a link to information that could possibly help answer the question "Is there value in it?"
Last edited by: Ajax Bay: Oct 24, 23 12:34

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Ajax Bay (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 24, 23 12:34