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Re: Utilizing legal draft in AG 70.3 racing - yay or nay [Dave Latourette]
I just want to confirm one point. You previous stated you could slot in and NOT be forced to pass (see the bolded point). That isn't correct is it? If you "slot in" and suddenly in the draft zone of the person ahead of you, as an AG athlete you would have to pass, yes? We may be mixing up terminology, because I've always referenced "slotting in" as passing one yet by passing the person you are now in the next person's draft zone. I would think if you are passing a line of riders that are at 12m, you technically wouldn't be able to stay in that slot because you would have been 11.99 and thus in the draft of the next guy. Obviously if everyone is 15m and you pass, you can "slot in"; but for the purposes of most people, that's not what we reference as "slotting in".

(Or slot in at 12 meters and stay of course)

(I'm going on the assumption that if 3 guys are 12m apart, when you pass 1 rider you are now inside 12m to the next guy, so while yes you are to slot back in to the right, you then must pass the next rider...obviously if they are 14m and you pass yes you can sit at 12m after slotting in with no issue.....but if riders are all exactly 12m, apart, you then are in the draft zone of the next athlete the moment you pass the 1st rider.....you can't say you are at the 12m zone *technically*)

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Oct 8, 23 17:12

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  • Post edited by B_Doughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 8, 23 17:12