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Re: Women's marathon WR, 2:11..$500 shoes [Runorama]
Runorama wrote:

The VF and AF are way overbuilt for racing.

Haha. Context. I get the weight thing. I literally ran some races in HS track barefoot way before "barefoot" running was a thing. But these the VF and AF are just fine for lots of racing purposes. Maybe not scorched earth pro or middle-aged "profamateur" one-and-done racing. But fine for pretty serious recreational types.

Turns out the weight weenies (like me) were wrong about weight being the be-all, end-all, and the achilles (and related physiological systems) being the perfect energy return and shock absorbtion mechanism. Turns out a couple 100-200 grams of shoe can be *way* faster than 0 grams of shoe.
Last edited by: trail: Sep 25, 23 15:44

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  • Post edited by trail (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 25, 23 15:44