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Re: I Ran 118mi in a Week - Ask Me Anything [Dr. Tigerchik]
Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
The amount of food that mileage requires doesn't seem like it would be particularly enjoyable. Were you having to force feed yourself to keep your energy up, or was it not an issue?

When I first started triathlon it seemed like I was force feeding myself 5000kcal/day but eventually that became background noise. With this running I have paid zero attention to eating, but I’ve stayed the same weight and might even be adding a little muscle, and also body fat as a result of too many miles and lower testosterone probably. I typically eat three meals and have three snacks in addition to the 5-6 scoops of protein powder a day.

One thing that is new is eating first thing after I wake up. One day at my usual breakfast after the miles went way up realized I had just eaten an entire box of cereal without even realizing it. I also house a quart of ice cream after my Sunday long runs… that’s been too.

Oh yeah, I drink gallons of milk per week.


Edit: to be clear, one of the reasons I’m not hungry ALL the time is because of the protein.

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Last edited by: ericMPro: Nov 23, 22 7:32

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  • Post edited by ericMPro (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 23, 22 7:32