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Re: Zwift for Dummies (like me) [Triingtotrain]
Triingtotrain wrote:
I know there are threads on Zwift but hoping this could be a new one for folks who aren't tech savvy and/or new to Zwifting. I need help with a few things, mostly basic.

1) Is it possible to show watts per mile on the screen? Right now my rides show real time watts so they bounce all over the place every second. Previously my old coach had me do all my indoor training on the Computrainer in Erg mode so I just changed the watts myself. But now with Zwift I can't pin point watts if they are bouncing all over the place in real time. I can't find the settings to change this. Maybe I'm out of luck?

2) I aim to be completely anonymous on zwift. I'm using it 100% for training and to alleviate boredom and a change from the Erg Mode (I'm not looking to make friends). I don't want followers and somehow my middle-aged menopause cycling on Fuego Flatts has attracted 5 followers. How can I get rid of them and prevent others from following me? It's not like facebook where I can get rid of unwanted followers. I'm not as anti social as this post sounds. I just don't want interaction on Zwift or followers unless it's my coach. I'm struggling with menopause at the moment and really don't want the attention....get my drift :-)

3) and I don't think I can change this so I'll vent. I'm 51, 5 foot 7 inches and 129 pounds. I'm still considered slim. I'm far from heavy. but fit and some muscle from 4 past Ironmans. Zwift has made me out to look like a frumpy middle-aged woman on the bike with a big ass. It's not a correct portrayal. I don't really look like that! Ugh. Whatever, it doesn't really matter. But honestly, it's a bit cruel. Thanks Zwift! (pink)

For 1), can’t be done unless you are doing actual ITT or climbing Alpe du Zwift. Just use a separate recording device that shows lap power.

For 2), set your profile to be private and use a pseudonym. You must do this by logging onto Zwift using a browser (can’t be done in-game or in companion app).

ETA: for 2, I'm wrong, and see post of @JasoninHalifax below
Last edited by: echappist: Jun 10, 21 7:46

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  • Post edited by echappist (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 10, 21 7:46