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Re: Overwhelmed by wheel choices [tomljones3]
In general, no it doesn't matter as far as speed goes.

Most wheels are within 5 watts of each other. 5W = .5sec/km so 90km is 45sec. If you were trying to qualify for world championships, then maybe, but for most MOP riders ~1min isn't all that significant. Compared to a box rim, yea you are savings 4-5min but Zipp Vs Enve Vs HED, not so much.

The elephant in the room issue is tires make a huge difference on where they all stack up, so knowing which is fastest is not an easy task unless you test them all with the tires you use in a tunnel on your bike, etc...

There are still other things that matter, how they do in cross winds, how flexy they are, how easy a tube is to change, longevity, weight, looks, etc... But I would say the big name brands (HED, Zipp, Enve) all have similar cross wind stability and you can find people who swear one is better than the other on each of them.
Last edited by: blackey: Feb 4, 21 11:04

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  • Post edited by blackey (Cloudburst Summit) on Feb 4, 21 11:04