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Re: “...women are angry, temporarily powerful — and very, very dangerous” [Tri-Banter]
Tri-Banter wrote:
I *think* she's saying that even though this false claim happened on a reality tv show, that it puts a dent in society's ability/ willingness to believe other womens when they've actually been sexually harassed/ assaulted. When women falsely accuse men for their own personal gain, it makes real accusations less believable. And this is bad.

Note: It might be even worse, from this perspective, because it happened on a large stage. There are lots of people who got to witness this dishonestly.

Sorry, that part was understood. What I wanted to know is why was Dan left out of their apologies? Wasn't he the actual victim? Do they not feel guilty lying about him being a sexual predator?

ETA: that's what I meant about hit me over the head with it. Seems I am missing something incredible obvious.
Last edited by: TimeIsUp: Nov 15, 19 13:00

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  • Post edited by TimeIsUp (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 15, 19 13:00