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Re: Why is Slowtwitch promoting Zwift? [STP]
STP wrote:

TR gives structure to my training because I religiously follow their plans. The value I get from them is not an interface but a calendar with specific workouts scheduled by day for months on end. If you don't do a plan, you can't truly "get" what is great about Trainer Road. Trainer Road is not an interface but a cheap alternative to hiring a living breathing coach. The value of TR is the plan and the schedule surrounded by an interface that helps you execute the plan. And, now, the big time accountability of your graph, with targets and how you actually did versus the targets, automatically posted on Strava for all to see. I have a love/hate relationship with that new feature ;-)

Zwift has plans too. Not as many workouts as Trainer Road, but it's growing.

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Last edited by: BryanD: Mar 14, 18 7:26

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  • Post edited by BryanD (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 14, 18 7:26