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Re: Bike fit - adjusting reach [OsgoodZ]
OsgoodZ wrote:
Dang, just so frustrating. I'm more than tempted to just stick with the road bike at this point. The bike shops just want to sell. You search for a Guru fitter, been in business for a while, did F.I.S.T. training, is in the database here (I'm not naming names now, after all of this) and you still end up with crap.

Damn, just damn. I was excited, now, not so much.

I'm in Washington D.C.

If anyone has some advice on a good fitter, for a second opinion in the D.C. area, I'm open to suggestions. My efforts to try to find someone have obviously ended in Internet shame...

I live in chapel hill if you fancy a drive down... or we could meet halfway somewhere. I can provide references ;). I can also drive to you.

edited to add: "Guru" or "Retul" or what have you... they're just fancy rulers. There's really no such thing as a Guru fitter. Just a fitter who does or does not know how to use his or her ruler.

Other than me I'd recommend ERO Pennsylvania as an option for you.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

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Last edited by: ericMPro: Dec 17, 17 11:53

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  • Post edited by ericMPro (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 17, 17 11:53