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Re: sweat testing experience [mtstanek]
WHile I haven't gone through the same testing as you, I've experienced the same debilitating cramps on 70.3 races over and over again.
I've tried all the nutrition/supplement tricks. taking more electrolytes.......taking way more electrolytes.......pickle juice, hot shots, drinking plenty of fluids, etc etc.

Honestly, I really doubt your cramping issues have anything whatsoever to do with your sweat rate or electrolytes. More recent studies show there is no evidence to show that athletes sweating are actually short in plasma levels of electrolytes. Your body does a wonderful job to naturally keep these things in balance. Think about it, if your plasma/body levels were that low, why is it only your legs cramping? It would be systemic, no? And you'd probably be on your way to the hospital.

I think what it boils down to, and what has been discussed many times here, is that when you (and I) cramp on a 70.3 or any other race, it means we have pushed beyond what our leg muscles are comfortable with, and this is how they rebel, they cramp.
It sucks. Big time. There is no magic solution other than to go easier on the bike.


Interestingly, I have never suffered from the same types of cramps in any of the 4 ironman distance events (on the same course as the 70.3's, tremblant). The difference? Well, I push a lot less watts on the bike at the full, yet I'm on the bike for twice as long. More evidence that I'm pushing too hard during the 70.3 I guess.
Last edited by: SBRcanuck: Dec 16, 17 13:12

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  • Post edited by SBRcanuck (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 16, 17 13:10
  • Post edited by SBRcanuck (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 16, 17 13:12