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Re: empty candy wrappers [grindmonkey]
We recently bought a house (still unpacking boxes) in a relatively upscale neighborhood, the type where everyone is the same color, mostly drive imports, and send our children to private school. Insert judgment if you must, my wife loved the house and its her judgement I care about. Anywho, the entire neighborhood puts on the show for Halloween, elaborate house decorations, "professional-looking" family costumes, city approved street closure, fire pits / BBQ, the works. Over the space of 4 hours, we probably got 500+ trick-or-treaters (not including parents). Folks from all across the socio-economic-racial strata (St Louis). My wife, 9 year old daughter, and I passed out candy (take two pieces, thank you) to every one (and listened to a joke from ~75% of them, its a St Louis thing). We didn't care if they were in costume, out of costume, or just walking around. We also didn't give grades on the quality of costumes (and we saw the entire spectrum).

And here is where it gets good. At 9 PM when the street opened again, I was cleaning up the front yard / stoop. I still had 2-3 bags of candy left. A large family that were not neighborhood residents were walking by. I called out and asked if they wanted some candy, they said yes, I opened another bag, poured it into our bowl, and told them to take as much as they wanted. It was about 4 adults, 3 teenagers, and 4-5 littler ones. One of the mothers pulled me aside and said that she was so thankful for our neighborhood and how friendly it was to everyone. She saw someone advertise "us" on her facebook feed and came over because she wanted her children to feel safe and welcome. She literally hugged me and my wife. Then she and her family walked away and I got back to the business of making the yard look decent.

Do whatever the hell you want to do with your candy rules. Sometimes, its just nice to remember that being nice for the sake of being nice is okay. You don't have to be a dick because someone doesn't follow your exact philosophy with respect to dressing up.
Last edited by: MOP_Roy: Nov 1, 17 20:04

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  • Post edited by Xyz (Cloudburst Summit) on Nov 1, 17 20:04