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Re: Swim training - all 4 strokes? [Ironmike78]
Ironmike78, add a few minutes to your swim and bike and you are me. I'm the same about training for the swim - in some ways I think I'd be better off if I skipped swimming until 6 or 8 weeks prior and focused on the other two. On the other hand I love swimming so...

anyway, thanks for the input - that's what I was hoping to hear. We do have a local masters team and they're a great group.. and very humbling indeed.

By the way, if I had to do all-fly mondays my workout would last about 10 minutes. While I'm happy to be able to do a decent butterfly again that shit is hard work.
Last edited by: SJK: Sep 28, 17 11:34

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  • Post edited by SJK (Big Pines) on Sep 28, 17 11:34