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Re: Big Kahuna you lost a bet and consequently left the LR, are you a welch? [lunchbox]
lunchbox wrote:
I always got the impression that you were being intentionally over the top to a) amuse yourself and anyone else with a lowbrow sense of humor yet decent vocabulary and b) to see what sort of reaction you could stir up.

This is very true. And I even warned people on a number of occasions, that that's what I was doing. I'm mean...COME ON: did anyone with half a brain really and truly believe that I believed half the stuff I was saying? Stand up if you do, especially all you libtards in the back. ;-) ;-)

After a while, you had said all these things so much that they took on a life of their own, and became a piece of your driving force- your satire became serious to you, but the tone didn't change.

The only time it ever really became serious was in my ongoing colloquy with Mr. Mopdahl, and I again apologize for that. It also wasn't his fault. It was mine.

You're a dude who isn't happy unless he's got 2 or 3 too many projects going, and this is an outlet for those stream of consciousness thoughts. And fart jokes.

ONLY 2 or 3 too many projects going? You need to inhabit my space for awhile. I can get you some juice and HGH and all that other good stuff to help out. 'Cuz you're gonna need them. ;-)

"Politics is just show business for ugly people."
Last edited by: big kahuna: Sep 28, 17 8:42

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  • Post edited by big kahuna (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 28, 17 8:42