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Re: Talk to me about car batteries [BCtriguy1]
BCtriguy1 wrote:
A few weeks ago my wife and I bought a used Mazda cx-9. Dealer report had a 2 billion point inspection list for the usual stuff, including battery. On the form, there were three options the inspector could pick: pass, satisfactory, or fail for each item. The battery was listed as a pass. This inspection was done end of July.

Of course, two weeks after buying the car, while about to drive my wife and newborn baby home from the fucking hospital, the car battery had died. I thought I noticed a hesitation at start up on the drive to the hospital a couple days prior but obviously had more important things on my mind. I got a jump, got the family home, took it to a service station where they confirmed the battery was well below passing their test.

I've called the dealership and it's like pulling teeth to get then to reimburse the cost of the battery. Battery was $200. They've offered me $100 after days of back and forth. Because they're being such slimy pricks about it (see my previous thread on car dealerships) I'm inclined to keep fighting for the extra $100.

They are claiming that when the test was done, the battery passed inspection. They are claiming that 5 weeks of sitting on a lot through summer was enough to take the battery from good to dead. I'm calling bullshit. I think, if the battery was on its last leg, it should have been rated as 'satisfactory' or 'fail' on their inspection report. I don't believe 5 weeks of sitting on a lot through the summer would drain a battery that much. Am I crazy? Is there something I'm missing?

I'd chalk this up to a nice back door brag. You got something out of a used car dealer. You won.

The secret of a long life is you try not to shorten it.
Last edited by: mck414: Sep 7, 17 7:59

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  • Post edited by mck414 (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 7, 17 7:59