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Re: Xert Real-Time Garmin Connect IQ App [ThisFarmingMan]
To polemically expand a bit on how varying your training affects FTP model estimates, I would say that the closer your training mimics an actual FTP test of longer duration efforts at threshold, the more accurate the WKO4 and Golden Cheetah models generally become.

But this dependency on mimicry simultaneously renders the models irrelevant or inaccurate to different degrees depending on exactly how closely your training is tethered to actual FTP testing and longer duration threshold efforts.

In other words, if your training is far removed from threshold efforts and FTP testing like my summer riding is, the WKO4/Golden Cheetah model estimates tend towards the inaccurate.

If, on the other hand, your training consists of longer threshold efforts that approximate FTP testing like my winter riding did, then the WKO4/Golden Cheetah model estimates tend towards the irrelevant.

In either case, the model estimates are more or less useless.

The Xert models appear to avoid at least one half of the uselessness trap of this training variation of the accuracy paradox by not being tethered to mimicry of longer duration threshold efforts to a similar degree as the WKO4 and Golden Cheetah models.

Last edited by: ThisFarmingMan: Aug 31, 17 17:23

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