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Re: ironman 70.3 superfrog 2017 [Wilddaizy]
Wilddaizy wrote:
I did the race last year.

More of the run is on soft sand versus hard packed sand. It is on Imperial Beach now, and is 4 loops. The majority of each loop is on soft, deep sand. There is a small portion where you actually run beside the ocean for the hard packed sand on each loop, but then they send you back to soft sand.

It is hands down one of the best, and toughest races I have ever done. If you want a great challenge, this is the race to do.

Last year the surf was crazy and over 50 people DNF'd. The waves were over 6 ft coming in, and you didn't get to break they surf just once, but 2 times!! It was so awesome!! Also, having been a long time triathlete, and swam in tough conditions, I appreciated the RD letting the swim happen regardless of the surf. So often they shy away from the swim when the conditions are not ideal for safety/risk reason. Completely understandable, but they didn't here! Plenty of water support.

That is absolutely fantastic that they ran it despite the surf being large! I'm hard-pressed to think of any races at all that do that anymore. Nowadays it seems like if there's a 1-foot wind chop they cancel the swim.

Edited to add that the only thing keeping me signing up for it is that extra hundred seventy-five bucks they tack on makes it kind of obscene for a half distance race. It would otherwise be a very good option for me since I live in San Diego
Last edited by: davejustdave: Aug 25, 17 8:08

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  • Post edited by davejustdave (Lightning Ridge) on Aug 25, 17 8:08