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Re: Runner's World: "Special Motivational Issue" [one_lap]
Well...I can think of some areas to explore...that would require more than a 500 word vomit to cover...

The mind-body connection...too much lip-service paid here...lets get below the surface here.

Document athlete's training and racing in more detail...don't slap a 7-day sample of so-and-so's training and tell me that's how they won such-and-such race. I know damn good and well Lance didn't "ride six hours a day" to win the TdF. What did he and/or his coach plan...why...and how did they shift fires when necessary? What were the day-to-day thought processes that went into getting to the goal? This would take a lot of lead time, and commitment, though...and its hard to line all that up, I'm sure...so we'll keep getting the "sound-bite" training articles that are worthless.

Bottom line...dig deeper...find the second and third order information and thought processes.
Last edited by: TriBriGuy: Dec 2, 05 6:12

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  • Post edited by TriBriGuy (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 2, 05 6:12