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Re: What prevents you from washing your car more often? [Tibbsy]
1. not much

2. if is washed it, it might knock off all the rust that is holding it together. I usually run it through the car wash once or twice a year to get rid of winter salt. I vacuum it and run armor-all wipes over the dash and hard surfaces about once a year in the summer. That said, I did clean the wheels a couple of weeks ago and the hubcaps are silver again rather than a gold/brown...

3. dafuq is a swirl mark?

All that said, I have a deal with my wife that I can get a midlife crisis car when I'm 50, probably a used Miata or along those lines. (if I can find an S2000 that would be ideal).

That car I will baby...

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2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
Last edited by: JasoninHalifax: Jul 28, 17 5:33

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