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Re: Strava followers question [damn lucky]
There are 4 types of people I follow on Strava:

1. People I know
2. People in my tri club or track club (see #1)
3. People I race with frequently so I can stalk their training (see #1)
4. People who run in my area that I want to stalk their routes to get ideas for myself (usually find these people via flybys)

I have followers from random assed locations in the US & around the world. I have no idea how they found me (probably Zwift or they were club stalking). I really don't care who looks at my workouts. I follow a few popular folks like DC Rainmaker just because they travel a lot & it's cool to see where they are running/riding/swimming this week, but I don't go following random age groupers just so I can see where Gary Granola did his trail hike in Oregon.
Last edited by: Meathead: Jul 27, 17 9:16

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  • Post edited by Meathead (Lightning Ridge) on Jul 27, 17 9:16