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Re: Train(er)ing with Power. Where to start. [longtrousers]
longtrousers wrote:

But she did not specify what was different with Trainer Road compared to what she did before.

"I actually thought I was pushing myself until I put my trainer in erg mode and was forced to stay within targeted zones based on my FTP." ~I mentioned this. I was on a structured training plan for a year. I was using a fluid trainer. My coach would have me do things like 3*10 minutes in aero at Olympic pace. I was just going by feel. I didn't truly know how hard I was working. It all felt like a hard effort. When I do workouts in TrainerRoad I have to stay within a zone (i.e. 140 watts). Being forced to stay within target zones and not letting my power drop is a lot different than riding by feel. I also mentioned living in a flat area. I literally have to drive an hour away to find hills. There are tons of workouts in TrainerRoad that simulate hilly courses which will be super beneficial to me since Chattanooga is hilly.

Hope this helps.
Last edited by: Female AGr: Jul 26, 17 10:16

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  • Post edited by SikaH (Big Pines) on Jul 26, 17 10:16