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Re: I may start looking for a Disc wheel tri bike [Sweeney]
Sweeney wrote:
I'm 67. I don't understand why people get more cautious as they get older, but are OK with ''the wrecklessness of youth''. When you are young, you have so much to lose; your whole life is ahead of you. Once you get to Geaserville you've already done it all; got married, had kids, grandkids and you could be gone tomorrow so let it rip!

Descending with speed is all in your head. The faster you go the more the bike wants to stay upright, and braking usually causes you to lose control vs maintaining speed through a turn. Keep your upper body loose, stay backish with your weight.

I rode 52mph down a hill yesterday on my tri bike - no brakes at all.
Last edited by: endosch2: Jul 24, 17 11:10

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  • Post edited by endosch2 (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 24, 17 11:10