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Re: North Korea's Missiles (and what to do about them) [j p o]
j p o wrote:
DJRed wrote:
Guffaw wrote:
No one is expecting Trump to be smart enough to have a solution to this, or pretty much any, important problem.
We are just hoping he's sufficiently self-conscious not to start tweeting unenforceable statements so he can grandstand and make himself feel important.
Its a low bar to clear, but apparently even that is too much for him.

Fair enough. My point is you're not serious about this. What "smart" President before Trump had the solution?

My interest is pointing out that Trump's grandstanding is no different than the other's grandstanding. They just do it with big words and suave. Hey, if that makes you feel better, good on you, but neither achieves results.

The sooner we all realize this, the sooner we might actually get a candidate that's not a liar and who can actually bring our country together.

Because previous candidates didn't pretend that North Korea and the Middle East had easy solutions. Almost 1500 years of Muslim conflict in the Middle East won't be solved easily. 50 years of NK/Russia/China nuclear proliferation will not have an easy solution. In fact, I think it is reasonable to believe that these situations don't have any solution in the normal sense of the word.

I actually don't really blame Trump for saying it. I blame him for apparently believing it himself and his believers for buying it.

Is it reasonable to assume we will ever elect a politician who will say these things don't have a solution?

My take is whether you say it's easy and do nothing or say it's hard and do nothing, you still have done nothing. And, you are both liars because you both said you could do something. Just because one lie seems "more stupider" than the other doesn't make it any more of a lie. Nor does it make the politician any dumber or less effective.

I fundamentally reject the people who criticize when they, themselves, have done nothing or have supported other candidates who also have done nothing.
Last edited by: DJRed: Jul 4, 17 11:26

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  • Post edited by DJRed (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 4, 17 11:26