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Re: Syracuse "deflater" admits and apologizes [badgertri]
The obvious implication was that there might have been some foul play with tire pressure in that race as well. I'm not looking for her to lay out all her life-long transgressions but if this is not the first time she has done something like this she needs to be banned for life...no matter what her apology says. //

I suspect that there is a lot more to her checkered history than we know, and it was not impulsive. Impulsive is when a friend of mine flats on a two loop bike course while leading a race, takes 10 minutes to fix, then just decides to jump back in on the 2nd loop where he was on the first one and continue the race like nothing happened. He did not plan this, but in the spur of the moment he chose not to do the right thing, competition does that to some people. Their brains don't work like ours do and justification comes in many forms. This gals is the worst and she just needs to be out of sport at this level.

As for the eating disorder, I have known a ton of ladies with this, some were pro triathletes who never came close to making a bad decision in regards to race morality. It is an obvious loose wire in the brain somewhere, but one does not have to lead to the other. But I can see someone who just has never really played by the rules or gone with the flow just making really bad decisions at every junction where their choices.

Let's just hope that whatever help she seeks goes to the root of the problem, if it were AA she would be failing miserably at this point..
Last edited by: monty: Jun 22, 17 10:42

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  • Post edited by monty (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 22, 17 10:42