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Re: Insurance Question [ThisIsIt]
ThisIsIt wrote:
Sure someone here knows the answer to this.

My car got backed into. The other driver's insurance is paying for it, sent out an adjuster and they cut me a check for the damage. Now I will probably get the damage fixed but could I just pocket the check and drive a dinged up car, or is that some sort of insurance fraud?

You can pocket the check. The insurance company is making you whole, whether that be by paying to have the damage fixed, or by compensating you for the drop in your car's value caused by the (unrepaired) damage. EDIT - the insurance company doesn't explicitly pay you for this drop in value - but by cutting the check to you they're basically making the decision yours.

I got backed into last year, got the check for the damage and cashed it but I've yet to get it fixed.
Last edited by: WelshinPhilly: Jun 21, 17 7:47

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  • Post edited by WelshinPhilly (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 21, 17 7:47