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Re: POLL to RIGHT =====> If you could achieve any of the below in a day... [Thomas Gerlach]
I chose "lose 10 lbs" because it is the option which requires the most effort. It's certainly achievable but takes more work/dedication than the others (assuming you already can ride aero). The others are easy to achieve compared to that one. (edit: well if you're cramping and don't have a root cause that would be tough)

I also don't quite understand your thought process on achieving aero; unless you're being a stickler for a statistically achievable 100% (which I don't believe to be the case), 99% is most certainly in the realm of possibility and I'd argue not that difficult if you dedicate time to it. It's course specific but at IMAZ, for example, many people ride 99% aero. If the main point is people should be focused on that one first, weight second then I wholeheartedly agree.

Of course it hurts. The trick is not minding it hurts.
Last edited by: maukiwauw: Jun 20, 17 17:33

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  • Post edited by maukiwauw (Cloudburst Summit) on Jun 20, 17 17:33