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Re: Trying to figure out why I imploded during my run [stbtr]
After about 10 years in the sport, I come to learn a few things:
1. Expectations improperly set, not enough real world race specific data collected to set proper expectations.
2. Lack of specificity in training, ie. disconnect between how you trained vs. how you raced, example, including above, if you have done a bunch of 2x20mnin@FTP or around and are basing expectations off that, which really tells only one side of your fitness or,3hr power is another marker entirely, which leads to this question, how many sessions were completed that sound like this:
5-6x20min(5min)@IF .92, or 4x30min(5min)@IF .92, or 90-120min@IF.92 each followed by 45min-60min run at race pace
3. IF.92 for the ride is PRO material typically, what was the TSS from that intensity factor that you clocked in for duration of your ride, that will tell you how much you have overcooked it, typical wisdom is around 170 TSS if properly trained.
4. AP and NP spread of 4% indicate high VI, that will zap your legs, what was your VI?
5. UCAN, I am familiar, 3 servings at 190cal each, right? If so, that is too much per UCAN's own instructions.
6. "I had hard time downing it" sounds like to high level of effort for HIM, you should still be able to down sports drink during HIM with no issues if no heat or over exertion. Or you simply took in too much and overloaded your gut, entirtely possible. It is olympic where things get hard to down even at proper amounts.
7. Bloating is an indication among other things of loss of electrolytes. Loss of electrolytes feels like bonk, very little difference in how it feels.
8. Puffy hands and ankles are sign of electrolyte OD as you call it.
Oh and I have not even covered mismanagement of swim or lack of swim fitness.
These are just some thoughts I learned over 10 years of training and racing.
Last edited by: atasic: Jun 12, 17 11:19

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  • Post edited by atasic (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 12, 17 11:19