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Re: Zwift/Trainerroad [TNTRI]
Zwift can be more entertaining if you are after trying to replicated riding outside particularly if you go to ride is a group ride.

TrainerRoad has a much more robust set of training plans and individual workouts if you lean more towards structured training.

I view TrainerRoad as a "poor man's" way to get a coach and training program for $10/mo. I keep, and use, my subscription for the training plans. You do what Coach Chad tells you to do over the course of a base, build and specialty plan progression and you will get fast. I have used Zwift, and like it. But, while you can train with it quite effectively, the emphasis is more on being a massive multiplayer online video game and less on running you through a 20+ week training program. For me, I am a little to weak mentally to handle Zwift. It leave me too much on my own to resist the temptation to just ride with the bunch all the time rather than buckle down and do my work or, get my rest. In that sense, it is almost a perfect simulation of having a convenient group ride available every day ;-)

Both are just about the same in terms of controlling a smart trainer or running you through a workout. The big difference is Zwift provides the entertainment, you watching avatars of real riders and interacting with them (ie. beating them, getting dropped by them or drafting off them) while TrainerRoad shows your data and targets but leaves it up to you to pick your own entertainment.

Each one is only $10 a month so just get both and then if after 3 or 4 months you are only using one, drop the other. Both are great, but if you are only going to use one, you should check them both out.
Last edited by: STP: May 11, 17 13:37

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  • Post edited by STP (Dawson Saddle) on May 11, 17 13:36
  • Post edited by STP (Dawson Saddle) on May 11, 17 13:37