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Re: Airline rule for ruster armored hen house [RowToTri]
Yup. It's a lesson I learned the hard way as well. I've used my armored Hen House about 6 times and mostly been able to emerge unscathed. Once, United measured and it's obviously bigger than the limit for regular luggage. Just like FedEx or UPS, they measure at the largest points. Go ahead try to debate them on it. The other gotcha was Delta. I know they are notorious for not giving a fuck. Bottom line is that it's a bike and they have a bike fee regardless of dimensions. I wasn't about to lie when asked if it was a bike. The real kick in the nuts is that paying the bike fee gets you absolutely no additional protection or insurance. It's simple extortion - $150 each way. At this point I've at least broken even on what I paid for the case in the 4 trips where I didn't get charged but it's frustrating to go through the hassle of breaking down the bike and rebuilding, and then repeating to come back home, when you know it's 50/50 a waste of time. IMO Ruster is being misleading with their marketing.
Last edited by: TH3_FRB: Apr 18, 17 19:19

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  • Post edited by TH3_FRB (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 18, 17 19:19