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Re: Aero time savings claims [Thomas Gerlach]
Thomas Gerlach wrote:
surfNJmatt wrote:
When are people gonna realize its about body position and the rider?

Stadler record still stands at kona and we have all (most) been passed by that guy on his 20 years old road bike.

Manufactures are scaring people away from the sport buy making them think they need to open 10g to be competitive in a local level.

anyone agree?

Interesting enough, I think a lot of people have these tests wrong. The wind tunnel data is to show how small the differences have become and help people feel comfortable NOT upgrading their equipment.......

Thomas - I like your posts, your website, your coupon codes! etc. :)

But with regards to the above statement....well, aren't you the one responsible for everyone on the forum buying Giro SLX shoes because they supposedly save 8 watts or so? People see that, and they become totally blind to the fact that other people have tested with smooth shoes / covers and have noted just the opposite results, meaning its probably all within a margin of error?
IMHO people put WAY too much faith in wind tunnel results by other people / companies.
Had to laugh when I recently posted about some LG shoes, and one of the first comments was how non-aero they were!!
And here we have Kienle, Odonnel, etc now using non-aero shoes, road helmets, etc.... All the folks buying those Giros....do they wonder why the top pro riders in the world are not only not using those shoes, but not even using shoe covers for the most part? Nope, they aren't wondering, because instead they are blinded by someone who posted on a forum saying they saved 8 watts in a wind tunnel test.
Last edited by: SBRcoffee: Apr 16, 17 14:31

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  • Post edited by SBRcanuck (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 16, 17 14:31