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Re: Donny is full of sh*t about the coal industry [Fleck]
Fleck wrote:
Sorry Canuckian but you may have to adjust your optimist appraisal. Literally two after the election coal shipments by rail went crazy, along with evil oil and fracking sand. A power plant near Detroit ordered 52 train loads of coal a month. That's 100+ railcars per train which I believe converts to 5trucks per railcar which is all going to being fired up shooting some coal dust your way. Enjoy.

Good thing these businesses are looking long-term [sarcasm]

One of the more concerning and worrying moments of the recent Trump Address to congress was that some of the most robust clapping-and-standing happened after Trump talked about the coal business and how it's coming back! WTF - The coal business/industry is thankfully in decline world wide, and it's NOT coming back.

Sure it's still a big business, but it's NOT going to grow from here. It will only continue to decline.

Trump again, selling false hope, being dishonest and out-right-wrong on things! What's next - Trump saying the tobacco farming is going to be making a comeback? :)

is this how we are now describing political rhetoric?

Last edited by: ironmayb: Mar 3, 17 8:06

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  • Post edited by ironmayb (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 3, 17 8:06