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Re: Feb 16- A day without an Immigrant Fed 17- General Strike Day [Runningwithbees]
Runningwithbees wrote:
On Friday, February 17, 2017, Strike4Democracy will coordinate over 100 strike actions across the United States, and beyond, to plan for a series of mass strikes to stand up for America’s democratic principles.

Did they forget anybody?

Those that democratically elected The Don?

So its democratic if your side wins the electoral college votes but loses the "popular vote", but if the shoe is on the other foot, its undemocratic?

Same kind of think happened here (Australia) quite a few years ago (1998 actually)
John Howard won the election by winning 54% of the seats of parliament, despite only polling a bit over 49% of the vote.

The left side of politics jumped up and down for a bit, but then got over it.

I blame twitter and face palm. Gives a voice to too many people who should just STFU and get on with life
Last edited by: Andrew69: Feb 15, 17 17:09

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  • Post edited by Andrew69 (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 15, 17 17:09