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Re: Has there been a thread on recent Clinton Foundation/State Department developments? [slowguy]
slowguy wrote:
First, Hillary was SecState, and therefore a key part determining the foreign policy of the US, and there is substantial evidence that there were quid pro quos done on behalf of foreign governments after donations to the Clinton Foundaing.

I haven't been paying too much attention to this since both candidates pretty much underwhelm. What is the substantial evidence of quid pro quo? What was the quid and what was the quo?

I know the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative are both fairly highly rated charitable organizations by the various watchdogs, and are looked on highly overseas and domestically as far as their actual work is concerned. I also know that most nations contribute in some form or another to charitable organizations, and it would be no surprise to find some of the same nations having business with DoS, since basically all nations have business with DoS.

Hillary intervened to help Swiss bank avoid issues with IRS; Swiss bank then donates to the Clinton Foundation and pays Bill $1.5M for speaking gigs: http://www.theatlantic.com/...peaking-fees/400067/

A Vox article with a number of experts who discuss what was going on: http://www.vox.com/...y-clinton-foundation

Donations and then approval for weapons: http://www.dailykos.com/...onations-for-Weapons

Just a few. Is it clear cut? Is there a smoking gun? No, but as far as I can tell, pretty much unprecedented for a Secretary of State.

Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
Last edited by: spot: Aug 26, 16 5:28

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  • Post edited by spot (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 26, 16 5:28