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Re: Electrolyte Enhanced Water [surroundhound]
Nuun is pretty good, they seem to be everywhere sponsoring various events. The one time I used it, I got a little headachy, but it may not have been due to the nuun, could've been a variety of different things.

My issue is just flavors in general. The Hammer fizz tablets are just like the nuun. One tablet in a bottle is pretty dilute. I like the flavor, but I just get so sick of the artificial flavors that I can't stomach eating a gel and washing it down with the flavored water.

Yes, the SmartWater/Essencia is the stuff you get in gas stations. Basically, enhanced water. I'm not sure I believe it, but if it could substitute, even partially, for the electrolytes, it would make my day.
Last edited by: ninagski: Aug 25, 16 6:42

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  • Post edited by ninagski (Cloudburst Summit) on Aug 25, 16 6:42