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Re: What's the protocol for cyclists making left turns on 2 lane roundabouts? (Ontario) [racin_rusty]
I should note that the inside lane exits on into the left lane, which is part of "feeling less safe when I take the left lane." This is partly due to a third lane (which is right hand turn for southbound traffic) and is often taken at high speeds. This lane then merges into 1 on Cambrian. Traffic often takes this at high speeds and merges straight away into the left lane. (though yes, the right lane also suffers from this but at least I can make eye contact with the driver)

I recognize that inside lane does have the right of way, but it just feels less safe to me for partly this reason. (and all else equal, I'll take perception of safety over everything other than quantifiable safety)
Last edited by: timbasile: Jul 26, 16 17:22

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  • Post edited by timbasile (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 26, 16 17:22