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Re: *spoiler* Who is your "Man of the Tour" [ffips]
I've done a lot of this year's climbs actually. And for once, the Tour actually has changed with many of the less known climbs.
They're far from steady climbs like the Alpe d'Huez.
You said the climbs were steady ... not the pace up the climb was. As for sky, well, I'm pretty cynical when I see an entire team that is so dominant. But without proof, and without seeing the actual data, it's hard to say. The gap between 1st and the next 4-5 is just 4min-ish now. And we saw Froome suffering here and there. I'm still cynical, but it doesn't look at extraterrestrial as it did 10 years ago.
Last edited by: Francois: Jul 24, 16 19:18

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  • Post edited by Francois (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 24, 16 19:18