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Re: Sara Gross joins Bahrain 13 [Kay Serrar]
Kay Serrar wrote:
RowToTri wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Here's her take. Makes me wonder what she thinks of OJ Simpson.

First of all, I strongly believe that allegations are allegations and that there is no way that myself or TriEqual or anyone else can condemn someone whom the courts have not. I will leave justice to the justice system and allow my own impression of His Highness to be formed when I meet him.


LOL. Let's not mention that the "justice system" in Bahrain is controlled by "His Highness's" family... I'm sure it can be counted on to fairly and blindly pursue justice when the alleged criminal is a member of the royal family. To put so much passion into the 50Q and characterizing it as a terrible injustice to women, but to so easily dismiss the issues of women's rights in Bahrain when they want to give you a paycheck requires some really deep sand to bury your head in. Or just outright hypocrisy.

Response from Sara:

Sara Gross

20 Jan 2016

Hi Ed,
Your comment highlights one of the reasons I want to engage with this team. The allegations against HH were brought against him in the UK. If we are to understand this situation, we should always look to be accurate, aim to see the bigger picture and understand everything that is at stake.

In general, if one wanted to "look to be accurate" when investigating allegations of torture, it doesn't seem that getting on the payroll of the alleged torturer would necessarily unearth fair and unbiased information. It would also seem to me that the main thing "at stake" is the power held by the royal family.

Anyway, hopefully Sara will report back on her findings.

Does she think that statement makes any sense at all?

Edited to add my response to her:

Are you saying that joining the team and taking money from Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa will provide you with access and protection to fully and fairly investigate the allegations that he jailed and personally tortured Bahraini athletes that advocated for democracy? Will you advocate for a fair and independent judiciary to take up your findings in a court of law? Of course you will not do these things. Even if you were able to rise above the conflict of interest you have due to the fact you earn your living from him, you would be jailed, and possibly even tortured by him personally if you did any of these things. But yeah... other than that, your comment makes a lot of sense.

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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Last edited by: RowToTri: Jan 20, 16 8:33

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  • Post edited by RowToTri (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 20, 16 8:33