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Re: Completed Ironman... other people's condescending remarks [Power13]

Is it just a single piece of garb that is deemed acceptable, but anything over that is uncool? What if they mix-and-match....an IM shirt and a Boston hat (or vice versa)....what's the ruling there?


It depends:
1 piece of IM gear is ok
2 is a stretch
3 is a NO NO

Now, I have not BQ'd or KQ'd so, in my eyes, Kona/Boston branded stuff is ok to wear up to 2 pieces (each individually) 3 or (mix/match). Any more than that, and there is a risk that the room may spontaneously combust because of the wearers awesomeness
Last edited by: Anton84: Nov 28, 15 20:51

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  • Post edited by Anton84 (Lightning Ridge) on Nov 28, 15 20:51