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Re: Article on low carb elite athletes [svennn]
svennn wrote:
It is also in peer review now.

Regardless of the funding source, doesn't passing peer review lend legitimacy?

I'll let others in research comment on that. It is quite a grey area, and above my pay grade ;-)

Regardless, it doesn't mean that laymen can't or are unable to comment on the legitimacy or relative value of the test(s) being conducted. IE why the unfasted state in the 3 hour test? Why the different substrate fuel sources pre test for different groups? Why at rest does the HC group have substrate utilization equal to 70-80% (or more) of FTP?

EDIT: also looks like blood lactate is spiking in the LC group vs stable in the HC group, I wonder what would happen at 6-9-12 hours vs 3?

Last edited by: mauricemaher: Nov 18, 15 14:11

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  • Post edited by mauricemaher (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 18, 15 14:11