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Re: Trainer road.com [2wheels]
2wheels wrote:
I am new to trainer road. I have rode for a long time and kind of plateaued, so I decided to try a traditional base program. This morning I did my first workout of the mid volume base I, and the entire ride was done more slowly than my usual recovery pace on the trainer! I need some additional reassurance that this will eventually make me faster! I didn't feel like I was really doing much, and it is going to be a big time investment.

I would go with Sweet Spot Base right now. Even though you've plateaued that might be because you weren't optimally training. We recommend traditional base to those who are closer to their genetic potential and will dedicate a lot of time to build a giant aerobic base before laying on a lot intensity on top of that.

CEO at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
Last edited by: Nate Pearson: Nov 7, 15 15:17

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  • Post edited by Nate Pearson (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 7, 15 15:17