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Re: So I was "worst crash in 8 years of Savageman" [MarkyMark80]
MarkyMark80 wrote:
As someone who also had multiple facial fractures and their jaw wired shut from a bike accident I know what your going through. Here are a few things I learned:
1) You'll lose a lot of weight with the jaw wired shut, slurp down as much as you can
I lost 15 pounds and I was "race weight" already
2) Dont worry, the plates in your face wont set off the metal detectors at the TSA and make you a "random pick" for a full body cavity search
I was sad when the rods in my back didn't set off anything at the airport
3) The wires coming out hurt more than anything else.
I was well sedated when they came out, but putting them on was one of the worst experiences of my life
4) Careful with the painkillers, they give those things out like candy. I never really used any but I can see how people can get hooked on them
I used very little. Advil seems to do more for me than narcotics.

Age 39, 7, 4
Last edited by: jonahsdad: Sep 18, 15 13:19

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  • Post edited by jonahsdad (Lightning Ridge) on Sep 18, 15 13:19