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Re: "Iron Lady" ?doping in swimming [DrTriKat]
I wouldn't look to her physique as evidence that she might be doping. She is very lean and fit, but, not unheard of even amongst some amateurs. I see girls that ripped at my local gym. I know a few girls currently gung-ho on the crossfit train who look like that. I wouldn't think it's unheard of for a world class athlete to have that type of physique.

It's a hard comparison to make to the eastern ladies of the 70's, who were freakish not in how lean they were, but in their frame size, mass and the fact that, you know, they looked amazingly like large, muscular men...

Her times are crazy fast, but is anyone here pointing a skeptics eye at Franklin or Ledecky?

Long Chile was a silly place.
Last edited by: BCtriguy1: May 23, 15 9:30

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  • Post edited by BCtriguy1 (Dawson Saddle) on May 23, 15 9:30