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Coughing spasm after hard efforts on bike/run
For as long as I can remember if I put in a solid VO2max effort for a sustained period of time over 3-4min i will always wind up with a brutal coughing fit that lasts for a few hours afterwards. dry cough, not sick related with tons of mucus coming up.
When it happened when i was younger i chalked it up to being sick. But as I've trained more, and specifically done things like FTP tests more regularly, i am finding triggers for it. It's only when i go Zone 5,6,7 that things really rear their ugly head.

Google tells me it could be asthma related....and all i can currently think is "great another cyclist with asthma" and the implications that is going to have.

Anyone else have experience with this and suffer similar symptoms? If I go to the Dr and it is asthma what is that going to mean for racing?

edit: if it helps i live and train at 3700', and the air here is generally dry as all hell with humidity usually below 50%.
Last edited by: RONDAL: Mar 4, 15 20:22

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  • Post edited by RONDAL (Cloudburst Summit) on Mar 4, 15 20:22