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Re: The official Cervelo P5 thread [ericM40-44]
Yes, you can use the TT shifters spliced into the cateye buttons for brake lever shifters. I may have said before that the software had problems recognizing a second set of tt shifters, but I think now that is not the case. I thought it was a software problem at first, and that was because I was assuming the buttons were working properly. I thought it was too coincidental that each side of my hacked buttons had one button not working, so I attributed this to a software problem. After some more troubleshooting with the software, I determined that my hacks must have been broken during the installation process.
btw: shouldn't it be ericMpro ?
Last edited by: Russ Brandt: Feb 4, 15 12:15

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  • Post edited by Russ Brandt (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 4, 15 12:15