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Re: How to add resistance to rollers [cbs78]
Another option I have used is rolling up a towel under the roller. This just acts as a brake on the roller to add resistance.

If they're plastic rollers, avoid this. The towel (which doesn't conduct heat away easily) will heat them up enough to warp them. It'll also heat them up enough to melt and ruin your tire.

How do I know? Because a 5-minute ride was enough to irreparably wreck my (admittedly cheap) roller and also melt a bunch of tire onto it.

STAC Zero Trainer - Zero noise, zero tire contact, zero moving parts. Suffer in Silence starting fall 2016
Last edited by: AHare: Jan 26, 15 18:30

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  • Post edited by AHare (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 26, 15 18:30